October 28, 2010

Dedications .

I wont be posting names but you can pretty much guess who are they .
And doesn't mean you're not here , i don't appreciate what you've done for me .
It's just these people showed me concern to me recently .
I would also like to dedicate a song to these people

Happy First Monthsary !

You've taught me how to love since 2809 but you never taught me how to stop .
I love you .
I cannot promise that i would forever , but i can promise you that i love you wholeheartedly .
Sister , you've been loyal to me and i really appreciate for every single thing that you've done for me . You've been the only one i can really talk to . I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for never leaving my side through the hardtimes , instead , you stood right beside me , showing me concern . I love you , sist.
You're a person who is having the same problems as me . We've said it together , we'll fight them together too . Thank you for the glass bottle that was filled with M&Ms . You told me that you would always be there for me . Those weren't only words , you've showed me through actions . I love you , panda .
Even though we ain't that close , I was deeply touched by your care and concern . I'm sorry that I came to school late today , not managing to go find you at your class . Thank you for everything that you've done for me , I've failed as HappySmilingDrug ... I'm sorry . I just couldn't smile at that point of time , sorry to disappoint you . HappyKpopDrug , I'll go through this fight with you , i love you .
That person that sits in front of me for morning assembly and sits behind me for exams , thank you for letting me rant it all out this morning . Thank you for lending your listening ear . I'm glad that you're going to sit in front of me next year . I think you're the only person that have seen most of my unglam-ness in a day , *shy* . I love you , dog !
My HomeEcons partner , remember our plan to MarinaBarrage , must be carried out uhh ! Thank you for asking today , much appreciated . Whatever you've said , i agree . It was overboard . I'm looking forward to next year's HE lesson , by then , i'll be cooking you . *joking* , I love you .
The person that i've blurly called you ' EH CHER ! ' three times without realising i was in the wrong . YOU'RE SO RETARDEDLY AWESOME . I'll never ever trust your feeding skills anymore . Never ever never ever never ever , anymore ! I love you la , but not your feeding skills !
To someone who calls me StickyMonster , thank you for all the care you've showered me with . I really appreciate everything . Please sit beside me whenever a horror film is going on so i can scream with you . You're nice and awesomely weird in a way . Thankyou and i love you .
"Tanz" "Yeoz" "Ngz" , thank you for always eating lunch with me . You've always been the one i can joke openly with . You can't point middle finger -'- , joke ! Let's have a calling competition again , see whose line can get through "Tanz" first . Better dont pangseh me and leave me with some laotiko there again ah ! Do me a favor and stop topping the class , xiexie ! I love you , frog .
Hair-est Volleyball Player , Mao ! Thank you for your care . You're one that never fails to make me feel much better by the end of the day . Thank you so much and sometimes , Letting go is easier than holding on , okay ? I love you .
Someone that loves hair , you this zhu of mine , dont sad anymore le ! If they want to bitch , let them do so , what do they gain ? They're just portraying their upbringing . Just cheer up kay ? You know you'll always have this pig hur ! 8 numbers away only ! Thank you for brightening up my days when i'm down . Promise to go shopping hur and that book faster ask gonggong write then pass to me ! I love you , *snort* .

I'm sorry if yours aint here , ask me for one if you want . (:

Know your limits , stop protraying yourself like some lowlife bitch that dont know when to stop . It's not like you have poor upbringing , if that's the case , why must you put it in a way that your parents totally din't teach you how to keep your mouth shuts at certain times , how to have manners , how to look at certain times ? Fun is a thing , irritating is another . I've told someone in that class , " walk past , prepare tables and chairs to throw , if zhong , lagi best" Comeon , they cant stand you anymore , seriously ?! Im sorry to those that you've hurt . Really , well , i'm not self-pitying here , but yea , reflect on your doings , look back at how many people you've hurt . You don't know exactly how much it fucking hurts that's why you're doing it ? or you're just plain motherfucking brainless .

I'm sick of the bullshits and bitching that I've been through . I'm sick of the dramas and screaming .
I'm fucking sick of everything .